An important reflection on shoes during pregnancy

With me, when pregnant, the first concession are shoes.

My feet swell up to the size of those belonging to that emperor’s statue that is all in pieces in Rome (see fig. 1)

The emperor’s old foot and my new one


I just bought my first nike air max. They look like the bottom part of a transformer. They walk like marshmallow trampolines (fig. 2)


I am holding myself back every day not to throw out the following in a fit of (faux-)feminist rage:

0. High heeled shoes ( — hypothetical, since all 32 pairs went in the first rage of the first pregnancy 10 years ago)
1. pointy shoes
2. shoes with thin soles that are meant to connect you to the Earth but really only connect you with Pain
3. shoes with low heels that are supposed to be “ergonomical”

And even:

4. sneakers that do not have massive bubblegum airchambers built into them.

Sneakers that do not have massive bubblegum chambers built into them are tortuous traitors posing as comfortable footwear and deserve to be shot.

Fig. 2 one of the ladies responsible for keeping my shoes afloat



Nausikaä El-Mecky

art historian specialising in censorship and attacks on art. Academic writing at: tweets at: @its_nausikaa